Stock availability

For each item on our website, the current stock availability of the colour & size you’ve selected is shown in the summary box, just above the quantity box. Some of these stock messages are explained below:

  • ‘Lots in stock’: This means the item is in stock and will usually be shipped the next working day after your order is placed (subject to payment authorisation).
  • ‘X in stock’ (X being a number): This means we have only X units available of that size and the stock level for that size is getting low. We usually have new supplies coming in regularly but you should probably place your order as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment.
  • ‘Due in ___’: Although we’re temporarily out of stock of the colour & size selected, we are expecting further supplies by the date shown. You can still place an order in the usual way, and our system will hold an allocation for you. Once new supplies come in, your order will then be shipped.
  • ‘Out of Stock’: We’re temporarily out of stock of the colour & size selected, and are expecting further supplies but we can’t give a date for this at the moment. Unfortunately you can’t place an order for items with this stock status, but do keep checking the site in case this changes.

All stock is sold on a ‘first come, first served basis’ and unfortunately we can’t reserve or hold items for customers without payment being received.

Items no longer visible on our website

When an item disappears from our site completely, this means it’s sold out, and it is unlikely we will be getting any more stock.

Although it’s possible that we may have some returns, it’s not possible to let you know when this happens – it’s sometimes worth re-checking our site every now and then in case this happens.